Chinese Books: History and development
Japanese Special Collections
Japanese Special Collections
Japanese Special Collections
kOREAN bOOKS: History and Development
Korean movable-type printing
Rare Book School lecture by Beth McKillop: "Korea: Confucians, Buddhists, and Their Books
Auctioning Korean printed materials and manuscripts
King, J. (1987). The Korean Elements in the Manchu Script Reform of 1632. Central Asiatic Journal, 31(3/4), 252-286. Retrieved from
Mckillop, B. (2010). The History of the Book in Korea. In The Oxford Companion to the Book. Retrieved from
Minah Song. (2009). The history and characteristics of traditional Korean books and bookbinding. Journal of the Institute of Conservation. 32:1, 53-78, DOI: 10.1080/19455220802630743. Retrieved from
Pak, T. (1999). Uri ch’aek ŭi changjŏng kwa changjŏnggadŭl : Han’guk kŭndae tosŏ changjŏng sosa, 1883-1953 (Ch’op’an.). Sŏul: Yŏrhwadang.
Sohn, P. (1959). Early Korean Printing. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 79(2), 96-103. doi:10.2307/595851