Chinese Books: History and development
Japanese Special Collections
Japanese Special Collections
Japanese Special Collections
Korean Books: Bookbinding and Materials
Korean Stab binding Tutorial
Korean Stab binding Tutorial
Sang-woon, J., Carrubba, R., & Kyu, L. (2011). Korean Printing Technology: Ink to Paper. In A History of Korean Science and Technology (pp. 237-279). SINGAPORE: NUS Press. Retrieved April 8, 2020, from
Song, M. (2009). The history and characteristics of traditional Korean books and bookbinding. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 32(1), 53–78.
Sung-Soo Kim. (2013). The Study on Original Technique of Korean Metal Movable Types and Casting Process of Heungdeoksa-ja Types. Journal of the Institute of Bibliography, null(54), 75–102.
전철. (2012). 한지 제조기술의 동향과 한,중일 전통 종이 제조 기술 비교 ( Trends in Korean Handmade Paper Making Technology and the Comparison of Traditional Handmade Paper Making Technology in Korea, China and Japan ). 예술문화 논집, 8.